May 3

The Gettysburg Address

             “The Gettysburg Address,” written by Abraham Lincoln, is a short speech to dedicate a cemetery for the soldiers who were killed in battle there the previous year.  According to the story this is the most famous speech in America.  I feel kind of bad because I don’t remember myself ever reading this speech.  I’m sure I have sometime but not that I can remember.  I think it’s important for all Americans to take part in a realize the history that this country has been through, especially speeches like this one that came from a man who helped shape the country in which we live today.

I Have a Dream

            “I Have a Dream,” by Martin Luther King, is a speech that was given in front of the Lincoln Memorial.  One of the reasons for this destination was because Lincoln was the man to sign the Emancipation Proclamation and begin the civil rights movement.  Martin Luther then goes on to talk about how the Negro is not given any of the rights that America herself promises her people.  He talks about the hardships they endure and makes clear that now is the time to fix this problem once and for all.  He shows that they will not back down, not until justice is served and they are treated as equals.  They will not turn to violence no matter the case; they will keep the peace until they get the equality they want.  This is truly an amazing speech that must have given people so much strength and pride to fight through all the hardships until it was there turn finally, to be free.

Published in: on May 3, 2010 at 6:58 pm  Leave a Comment